Sobre o Do Lar ao Digital

Three women are sitting on wooden benches in a cozy, informal setting. They are gathered around a laptop, seemingly engaged in a collaborative discussion or presentation. They are smiling and appear to be in a relaxed and friendly environment. Behind them is a dark wall with colorful dots and some posters pinned on it. Cushions are placed on the benches, adding to the comfort of the space.
Three women are sitting on wooden benches in a cozy, informal setting. They are gathered around a laptop, seemingly engaged in a collaborative discussion or presentation. They are smiling and appear to be in a relaxed and friendly environment. Behind them is a dark wall with colorful dots and some posters pinned on it. Cushions are placed on the benches, adding to the comfort of the space.

Nossa Jornada Inspiradora

Este espaço é dedicado a mulheres que desejam reinventar suas histórias e encontrar propósito em cada etapa da sua caminhada empreendedora.

Bem-vindos ao nosso Blog !!

Aqui, compartilhamos experiências e estratégias para mulheres que buscam equilíbrio entre fé, família e empreendedorismo digital.

O blog Do Lar ao Digital foi uma idéia de uma amiga profissional do marketing que viu em mim potencial e me encorajou a buscar uma forma de ajudar mais mães que abriram mão da sua vida profissional para cuidar do lar e essa mesma amiga me mostrou o digital e hoje estou aqui para ajudar você também a ter uma vida no seu lar sem privações na vida financeira!

Vem comigo nessa caminhada Do Lar ao Digital.

Saiba mais nos aqui


Seja forte e corajosa! Não tenha medo nem desanime, pois o Senhor, o seu Deus, estará com você por onde você andar."
(Josué 1:9)

Esse versículo nos lembra que a força e a coragem vêm do Senhor, e Ele está sempre ao nosso lado para nos guiar e fortalecer, independentemente dos desafios que enfrentamos. 💪✨






A close-up of a crowd with someone holding a blue sign with white text that reads 'EMPOWER WOMEN PROMOTE LIFE'. The sign is brightly lit by sunlight from the left, and multiple microphones are visible in the foreground.
A close-up of a crowd with someone holding a blue sign with white text that reads 'EMPOWER WOMEN PROMOTE LIFE'. The sign is brightly lit by sunlight from the left, and multiple microphones are visible in the foreground.


Inspire-se com histórias e momentos da nossa jornada digital.

A smartphone displaying a Shopify webpage with the text 'Start your business' rests on a white surface. Next to it lies a closed notebook with geometric shapes on its cover and a sharpened pencil. A small succulent plant is visible in the top left corner.
A smartphone displaying a Shopify webpage with the text 'Start your business' rests on a white surface. Next to it lies a closed notebook with geometric shapes on its cover and a sharpened pencil. A small succulent plant is visible in the top left corner.
A woman stands in a brightly lit room pointing at a smartphone she is holding. She is smiling and dressed in a white blouse. Behind her, there are shelves filled with brown cardboard boxes and a few green plants, suggesting a setting related to home or office work, possibly e-commerce or small business.
A woman stands in a brightly lit room pointing at a smartphone she is holding. She is smiling and dressed in a white blouse. Behind her, there are shelves filled with brown cardboard boxes and a few green plants, suggesting a setting related to home or office work, possibly e-commerce or small business.
gray computer monitor


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